U1Ch1L7_Encoding and Sending Formatted Text _ASCII

Purpose: Students will invent a way to use plain ASCII text to encode other text.
Vocabulary: Abstraction & ASCII

Activity – Part A: With your partner, create a protocol for a binary language that will transmit text.
                     Separate from your partner. One partner will Code and the other will Decode. Then Switch.

Activity – Part B:
Decode the sentence with formatting and punctuation: “?”. (refer to class syllabus for words!)
I am going to hand a new phrase to the transmitter who will decode it using the ASCII handout provided above. Pass it to your Decoder and see what they come up with. The first group that can decode it will win a prize.

Handout: There is a standard: American Standard Code for Information Interchange or ASCII

Log On To Code.org and go to the Internet Simulator: Go to the class website, log into your Code.org account and select “U1Ch1L7_Encoding and Sending Formatted Text _ASCII
Use the Internet Simulator to spell the phrases that they previously used with binary text protocols they developed.

?Take Online Test – If Time.